Additional Services

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition is a crucial component to accomplishing any health goal. Customized coaching provides accountability, support, and guidance to help you eat for success. Learn how to embrace healthier lifestyle choices and find ways to enjoy eating well.

Find a balance between the science of nutrition and your own personal intuition through one-on-one coaching sessions with our experts. Body fat testing with analysis is included. (Nutrition plans available at additional cost.)

~$65/Session (1 hour)

Body Fat Testing

Track your progress outside of the scale. Accurately measure your body composition and receive a printout to track your progress. Find out key components of your health, which include: body fat percentage, muscle mass, and daily calorie needs. All testing includes a 30-minute coaching session to analyze results and provide health recommendations. Complimentary body fat testing for all members.

~$47/session (30 minutes)

Home Workout Programs

Simple, easy-to-follow programs that you can complete from anywhere in the world. Reach your goals from the comfort of your home or while maintaining a busy travel schedule. Each program contains easy-to-follow videos, nutrition support, and weekly motivational emails to stay on track.

Prices vary.

Corporate Wellness

Enjoy our customized programs that extend beyond traditional wellness. Build healthy habits among your employees to improve health outcomes and increase productivity. Work with our expert staff to boost employee health and improve company engagement. Ask about our corporate wellness packages that include: lunch-and-learns, aerobics classes, and group training.

Personal Training Academy

CHARLOTTE FIT Personal Training Academy is the premier educational space for aspiring health and fitness professionals. This 5-8 week course will teach you everything you need to know about health, fitness, and nutrition to become a top Personal Trainer in the industry.

Taught by highly qualified, leading industry fitness professionals- this hands-on school is the perfect place to build a successful personal training career.
